Here is one accessory that you could really add to your arsenal, the bicep blaster. This medieval-looking accessory is made of curved metal that keeps your arms in a fixed position while you work those biceps. Here is more on how these work and what they are good for.
Muscles Targeted
The biceps and triceps are both the primary targets in the triset. There is not a single part of your upper arm that won't feel the burn with this one.
The beauty of using an arm blaster is the focus you can place on your biceps. It allows you to quickly move through three different ranges of motion for a complete workout in your arms. The equipment helps you keep tension on the muscle for the best shaping and size gains.
The Bicep Blaster Triset
The triset consists of supinated bicep curls, hammer curls, and cross-body curls. If you don't have a lot of time and need to get your arms worked, this triset will give you exactly that. Aim: 2 sets of supinated curls, 2 sets of hammer curls.
Here's how to get perfectly pumped arms:
Supinated Curls
- 1Set your weights out in front of you for easy access.
- 2Place the strap of the arm blaster around your neck and adjust until comfortable.
- 3Grab the dumbbells you are using.
- 4Stand up straight, tucking your arms into the pads of the arm blaster. This is the starting position for the curls.
- 5Engage your core and keep your torso straight.
- 6Your wrists should be supinated at the bottom. Your palms should face inward towards each other.
- 7Begin curling your arm up, supinating at the wrists to face forward. You should feel an emphasis on the long head.
- 8Squeeze at the top before releasing.
- 9Slowly return your arm to the starting position.
- 10Repeat for 1 set of 10 reps.
- 11Switch to one set of hammer curls.

Hammer and Cross-Body Curls
You are going to alternate quickly between a hammer curl and a cross-body hammer curl. After each hammer curl, perform a cross-body curl on each arm. Repeat until you have done 10 reps of each.
- 1Set your weights out in front of you for easy access.
- 2Place the strap of the arm blaster around your neck and adjust until comfortable.
- 3Stand up straight, with a slight bend in your knees. Tuck your arms into the pads of the arm blaster. This is the starting position for the curls.
- 4Holding the dumbbells with your palms facing inwards towards your body. Begin with your arm extended.
- 5Begin curling your arm upwards towards your shoulders. Don't rotate or twist your palms. Pause at the top of the curl, squeeze the biceps together.
- 6Slowly begin releasing down.
- 7Once at the bottom of the extension in the starting position. After each rep, perform a cross-body curl with each arm.
- 8The cross-body curl: As your arms reach the starting position, bring your right arm up towards your left shoulder. Squeeze at the top, release, and return to start slowly. Repeat with the left arm.
- 9Aim to complete 10 reps of each curl for one set.

The Benefits of an Arm Blaster
Perfect form rules the world of fitness; when your form is on point, you will be able to perform and see better results. The arm blaster is exactly that - you have no choice but to have perfect form. The board acts as an anchor and a springboard for your biceps.
If you take into consideration the perfect bicep curl form, your elbows shouldn't be moving up and down and to the sides; they are fixed, and your bicep does the work of lifting the weight. The bicep blaster ensures you have that picture-perfect bicep isolation.
Pack a tank top into your gym bag because your arms are going to be PUMPED. The blaster gives your arms the ultimate pump. Strict form and full isolated contraction of the muscles means you will be left with the biggest pump you have ever seen in your arms.
To gain and build a muscle group, you need to build tension. In order for you to progress, you need to increase your weight. The arm blaster will prevent you from swinging your arm back down to the starting position without placing tension on the muscle. You are better able to slowly release down, contracting the muscles, creating a nice burn.
Using momentum to swing down won't work when it comes to this piece of equipment. In other words, you are forced to get the best out of your workout. You don't need to focus as hard on finding the muscles as you will instantly feel the difference.
Lifting too heavy without consideration for your muscle's ability can lead to injury. Using an arm blaster will quickly teach you that your arm will not go anywhere no matter how much you want to lift a crazy heavyweight.
It will teach you to become results-focused and leave the ego at home. Your body will get stronger with hard work and maximum effort. You cannot cheat your way to big biceps and strong arms.
Does The Bicep Blaster Work?
Yes, in short, it does work. It works especially well for anyone who is starting in the fitness world and would like to perfect their form. The bicep blaster is ideal for anyone that doesn't have a personal trainer or a spotter to help them.
This unique piece of equipment has been around for a long time in the bodybuilding crowd. Several famous bodybuilders have used them to get bigger and better arms. Arnold Schwarzenegger is perhaps one of the most renowned arm blaster pioneers. That man has biceps the size of baby alligators.
Alternative Solutions
Not everyone has an arm blaster, which is why there are other solutions in the gym. Here are a few exercises that offer the same range of movement and allow you to isolate the biceps when performing curls.
Preacher Curl

The preacher curl is perhaps the best alternative; if your gym has a preacher bench, grab an EZ-bar and get to work on those biceps. You will get a great pump and fantastic gains from this exercise.
Here's how to get sculpted biceps with the preacher curl:
- 1Load your barbell up with your weights. Go lighter than you lift with ordinary bicep curls.
- 2Sitting on the bench, adjust it according to your height; your armpits should just touch the top of the bench.
- 3Keep your torso and shoulders stable and engaged throughout the exercise. Firmly plant your feet in the ground.
- 4Grip the barbell in an underhand grip.
- 5Extend your arms out. Your upper arms should be rested on the bench.
- 6Begin curling the weight up towards your shoulders.
- 7Once your arm is at the top of the curl, hold and squeeze. Slowly release and being lowering the weight down.
- 8It should take you a full count of 3 to lower your arm to the start.
- 9Repeat for 2 sets of 10 reps.
Spider Incline Curl

For total bicep fatigue, the spider incline curl is perhaps one of the best ways of building strength and power in your biceps.
Here's how to spider curl like a pro:
- 1Set up an adjustable incline bench.
- 2Sitting on the bench with your chest flat against the bench, plant your feet firmly into the ground.
- 3Start with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing outwards.
- 4Curl the dumbbells up towards your shoulder, pause as soon as they get to the halfway point. Your forearms should be parallel to the ground. Pause and hold for a full count of 1. You shouldn't have any momentum built up in your arm.
- 5Squeeze your bicep, lift the dumbbell up to your shoulder to complete the movement.
- 6Your bicep should drive the weight up in a controlled motion.
- 7Complete 8 - 10 reps.
- 8Move onto a hammer spider curl using the same mechanics as a spider curl after the first set.
Perfect Pumps, Bigger Biceps

Defined and muscular arms are one of the first things other people notice on anyone. If you don't have a lot of time to work on your arms in a session, arm blasters like these are the best way to get a full, effective, and fast workout in.
Perfecting your form without cheating your way to bigger muscles is one of the best feelings in the world. Start light and work your way to the top.