Do you wish for pumped-up arms like in the movies? Or maybe you just want to get rid of the flabby arms with the extra fat tissues on the backside of the upper arms. Irrespective of your tricep workout motive, the dumbbell lying tricep extension is one of the easiest yet effective tricep exercises!
It targets all three sections of your triceps brachii muscle - medial, lateral, and long head. Plus, the exercise only requires a flat bench and a pair of dumbbells, and you are good to go. Read on to learn all about the awesome dumbbell lying tricep extension, its benefits, tips, and variations.Lying Tricep Extension - Instructions Guide
Though it is the easy part of your tricep workout routine, the dumbbell lying triceps extension requires consistency. Also, bear in mind that you have to work on your breathing simultaneously. Here is a detailed step-by-step process along with a super-helpful video above to perform the lying tricep extension to enhance your triceps form.
- 1Grab a pair of dumbbells with weights that suit your fitness level.
- 2Lie back on a flat bench with your face up and a dumbbell each in your hands.
- 3Now extend your arms above your chest, with your palms facing each other. Use a neutral grip to hold the dumbbells in place.
- 4Align your arms with your shoulders and keep your elbows straight.
- 5Bend your elbows and slowly lower the dumbbells until they reach your ears while breathing in as your arms go down.
- 6Pause for a second and contract your triceps to go back to the starting position while breathing out.
Repeat this movement 10 to 12 times for 2-3 sets. For better calculation of reps, use the amazing One Rep Max Calculator.
Tip: You can also perform the dumbbell lying triceps extension while lying on the floor. But remember that it will not be as powerful.
Benefits of the Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension
Are you thinking why opt for the dumbbell lying triceps extension exercise among all the other tricep exercises? It has more benefits than one. Read for yourself!

Ease of performance - One of the best qualities of the lying tricep extension is its simplicity. Most other exercises may require expensive equipment or a professional trainer for guidance. However, for the lying triceps extension, you only need a bench and a pair of dumbbells.
Flexibility - It is highly versatile such that it does not restrict you as a rod would. You can modify by working unilaterally or bilaterally. That means you can use only one arm at a time, follow alternate patterns, or use both hands simultaneously.

Focuses solely on the triceps - While other exercises focus on multiple body muscles, the dumbbell lying tricep extension works only on your triceps. It is an isolation exercise that lets you divert all your energy to strengthen your upper body.
Ensures balance - If you train with a barbell, your more muscular arm will be lifting more weight, resulting in an imbalance. On the contrary, when you use dumbbells, each of your arms lifts an equal amount of weight. So, rest assured that both your triceps will get worked up equally.Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension - Tips to Perfect Your Form
If you want to perform the dumbbell lying tricep extension accurately, you got to focus on the tiniest of details!

Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension vARIations
The dumbbell lying triceps extension is one of the best triceps exercises, and there is no doubt about that. Still, it has a few variations that you can perform with different equipment and positions.
Barbell Lying Tricep Extension
This exercise is quite similar to the dumbbell tricep extension, with the difference that you need a barbell for it.
- 1Lying with your head and shoulders flat on a bench at a 45-degree incline, plant your feet flat on the floor.
- 2Hold a set of dumbbells, one in each hand directly above your chest; your palms should be facing each other. Begin to form an arc as you lower the weights to your sides.
- 3Engage the pectoral muscles to reverse the movement.
- 4Keep your elbows slightly bent throughout and your back flat.
Overhead Triceps Extension (and Variations)
Similar to the lying tricep extension, you can do the overhead tricep extension while standing. For this exercise, you can use a bar, kettlebell, rope, or dumbbells.

- 1Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- 2Grasp dumbbells by the shaft and extend your arm upwards with your palms facing each other.
- 3Once you are in a balanced position, lower the dumbbells slowly until your elbows make a 90-degree angle with your forearms.
- 4Pause for a moment and work up your triceps to push the dumbbells back to the starting position.
Tip: Exercise with different equipment to decide what suits you the best.
What's the difference between Skull Crushers and Lying Triceps Extensions?

Skull crushers and lying tricep extensions are variations of the same exercise. The only difference between the two is that in skull crushers, you take the weight only up to your forehead. Whereas in the dumbbell tricep extensions, you direct the weight deeper towards your shoulders.
Though both these exercises work on your triceps, there is a slight difference. Skull crushers work on all three triceps heads - medial, lateral, and long head - equally. However, the tricep extensions work only the long head as the primary muscle. They hit the medium and lateral heads too, but just as of the secondary triceps muscle group.
What muscles do lying tricep extensions work?
Lying triceps extension works your tricep brachii as the primary muscle. However, your triceps are divided into three heads, i.e., medial, long, and lateral. Here, the lying triceps extension works on the long head as the primary muscle, with the other two being secondary muscles.
Wrap Up
The dumbbell lying tricep extension is an amazingly easy and powerful exercise to train your biceps. Just pay attention to your hand and elbow position, and you are good to go.
Watch the super-useful video given above and level up your triceps-building game!