The Teres Major is the underrated muscle of the human body that nobody seems to talk about, yet it is very important as it is a thick muscle of the shoulder joint. When looking at someone’s back, it is actually the muscle that sits right above the lats, so it contributes to the overall aesthetic V-Taper look. While there is obviously some cross-over to working other muscle groups like your lats and rhomboids when training the both the teres major and teres minor muscle groups, you can choose moves that favor the teres major more.
The best way to use this list of exercises is to take each of them for a test drive. Find the ones that match your fitness level & what equipment you have - but most importantly the move that you have the strongest mind-muscle connection on.
From here you can sprinkle a few of your favorite exercises into your back workout routines, as this is when you would typically perform any exercise to develop the teres major.
Let’s dive into the list, and make sure to pay close attention to the form on all these teres major exercises!

Desk Pullups

Lat Pull In

Lat Pulldown Behind Head

Parallel Grip Pull Up

Wide Grip Pull Ups

Wide Grip Seated Row