Lat Pulldown Behind Head

The lat pulldown behind the head is one of the best back exercises on the planet for widening your back and building bigger lats. This move will primarily target the upper back and secondarily, the biceps and forearms. If you are looking for a meaty upper back, do add this to your back exercises list.

If you want to take the lat pulldown behind the head to the next level, I suggest you implement the Balloon Method in all your back workouts so you can maximize the 3 science backed ways your body builds muscle. This is what we do in the SuperHuman Muscle program, and if you are eating enough you will pack on mass much faster. 

For a really good pump I recommend that you go for about 10-12 reps and really focus on the stretch of the exercise and your mind-muscle connection in the lats. I like to tell myself to keep my elbows forward as I pull down as well, and this really lights up your lats. 


  1. 1
    Grab the pulldown bar and sit down on the seat
  2. 2
    Angle the torso slightly forward
  3. 3
    Look down and pull the bar down and behind your back
  4. 4
    Contract the back at the bottom, then go back up slowly.
  5. 5
    .Keep your elbows forward as you ascend down.


SuperHuman Muscle forces your body to become a muscle building machine regardless of your genetics, age and fitness level. Interested?

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