Today we are diving into an epic bicep workout for fast growth and a skin splitting pump! Below you will find the full bicep workout with video breakdown of each bicep exercise and sets & reps given!
To ensure this bicep workout gives you the fastest muscle building results possible, we are going to be incorporating the Balloon Method, which maximizes the only 3 science backed ways your body can build muscle in a short workout.
When you are training your biceps you need to focus on intensity and not necessarily marathon bicep workouts. While it's great to perform more total working sets and increase your bicep training volume, you don't need to get carried away with 1 hour bicep workouts!
In fact this Balloon Method bicep workout will only take you about 20 minutes to power through and contains a few of the best bicep exercises for activation.
It's important to remember that your biceps are a fairly small muscle group. Many guys prioritize them because of overall aesthetics. The biceps are always visible. It's impossible to have a great physique and look great in a t-shirt without a good set of biceps.

I haven't always had good biceps, but i've trained them hard for a few years straight with the Balloon Method and seen incredible gains and have gone from 15 inch arms to 18 inch arms!
For growing your biceps, I recommend you train them 2-3x per week with short and intense workouts like this one. Expect a skin splitting pump from this 11 set bicep workout.
Let’s begin the bicep workout, and make sure you watch each video demonstration carefully so you know exactly how to do each bicep exercise.
Sets | 3 |
Reps | AMRAP x 10 Reps |
Rest Time | 75 seconds |
#2 Bicep 24s | |
Sets | 2 |
Reps | 24 |
Rest Time | 75 seconds |
Bicep 24's are an outside the box exercise to do 4 different bicep moves in 1 single set! The awesome benefit to this exercise is that you work the brachialis muscle as well as the bicep peak and bicep short head.
Watch the video above carefully and I recommend you do 5 sets per week of this move with 60 second rest time between sets!
Sets | 3 |
Reps | 45 seconds TUT |
Rest Time | 60 seconds |
#4 Cross Body Hammer Curl | |
Sets | 2 |
Reps | 6-10 |
Rest Time | 90 seconds |
The cross body hammer curl is made for maximum contraction; this is how you craft wider and bigger biceps. This easy to do and easy to improve exercise is perfect for arm day. Let's get straight into the good stuff.
Hammer Curls For Arms like Thor
Mechanics: Isolation
Force: Pull
Aim: 3 sets of 8 - 12 reps or more depending on your targets and goals
How to perform the cross body hammer curl
- 1Get a set of dumbbells ready. It is easier to work one arm at a time when you use two dumbbells.
- 2Stand straight, and engage your core; activate your torso for proper posture. Put a slight bend in your knees.
- 3Grip the dumbbells in a protonated grip with your palms facing inwards.
- 4Keep your elbows locked at your sides.
- 5Start with one arm at a time.
- 6Begin contracting your muscles to curl the dumbbell across your body towards the opposite shoulder. You should contract your arm as hard as possible.
- 7Squeeze at the top of the contraction.
- 8Slowly release and lower your arm back to the starting position.
- 9Switch arms and perform a rep with the other arm. You can complete a set full set on one arm before moving on to the other arm, or you can work one arm at a time.
- 10Keep your reps to at least 8 per arm.
Tip: Don't bring your arm above your chest height. The peak of the curl should be at your lower chest height.

The Muscles Targeted

If you have ever stopped to think about perfectly proportioned arms, this is the one exercise that is perfect for the biceps and the forearms. The main muscles targeted are the brachioradialis in the forearm alongside the long head of the biceps brachii.
Compared to standard hammer curls, the cross-body hammer curl creates perfect peaks on the biceps. Combining standard and cross-body curls together in a workout is excellent for a full arm workout.
The Benefits
Why would do you need to add the cross body hammer curl to your arm workout? Here are a few reasons why.

Common Mistakes
These are a few common mistakes that everyone makes. If you can avoid these, you will be well on your way to perfecting your biceps.

Variations of The Cross-body Hammer Curl

A Dash of Tradition
Adding a traditional hammer curl in between each cross-body hammer curl is a great addition that thoroughly targets the biceps. Add that little twist in for the best arm workout.

A Subtle Change
Changing your weights and rep patterns is another way you can tailor the benefits of this bicep blasting exercise.

Time to Shred
We are all either growing or shredding or somewhere in between. You can make small changes to get the best out of your curls for whichever phase you are in.
Building Blocks of Biceps
With the building blocks for bigger and better biceps, your curl game is about to get bigger and better. Exercises that target the biceps are not just for pro bodybuilders; they are there to improve your overall health and quality of life.
By The Way, Here’s me going through this entire bicep workout on Youtube!
The great thing about the Balloon Method workouts is that they are short and brutally effective. This makes training every muscle group a few times per week extremely easy. This is exactly what everyone on the Superhuman Muscle program trains and see's jaw dropping muscle building results in a very short period of time.
If you want to copy this bicep workout routine, i suggest that you do this workout 2-3x per week. If you are trying to grow your biceps fast, you can perform upwards of 30+ total working sets per week.
More volume is going to equal more hypertrophy up to a certain point. Performing 30 sets per week is going to give you better results than doing 10 sets per week, BUT you can certainly see incredible progress in those 10 sets per week if you train hard and train until failure!